Novacron is a contact and stomach poison insecticide in the form of a concentrate that can be emulsified to control armyworm pests on soybean plants.
Novacron has the ability to control various pests on vegetable plants.
Mode of Action:
Translaminar effect
Novacron is able to penetrate the lower layers of leaves and is effective in eradicating pests that hide on the surface of the leaves where the spray fluid does not touch them.
Wide control spectrum
Novacron has multifunctional active ingredients that are able to control various types of caterpillar pests, insects and fleas.
Reliable and Safe
Novacron works effectively and does not cause resistance to plant pest insects.
Instructions for use:
High volume spraying, starting after a pest population or symptoms of attack are discovered. If it is not clear, contact the authorized agricultural officer.
Application Advice
armyworm pests :
- Spodoptera litura
Dose/ concentration:
Spraying with highest volume: 2 ml/l